Creates a m3u (MPEG version 3.0 URL) file from a list of URLs. This file can be read by any multimedia reader (e.g. VLC). These audio/video URLs will be streamed (not downloaded). For more information:
create_m3u(data, podcast, path = ".")
a data.frame
created by get_metadata()
a character of length 1. The name of the podcast.
a character of length 1. The folder to save the M3U file.
The content of the M3U file (optional).
if (FALSE) {
## Retrieve episodes metadata ----
tab <- get_metadata("un-ete-avec-homere", radio = "franceinter")
## Create a m3u playlist ----
x <- create_m3u(tab, "un-ete-avec-homere")
cat(paste0(x, collapse = "\n"))